Have you seen apple trees on someone’s country plot with plastic bottles filled with water or sand hanging from them?
Don't be surprised! This is not done just like that.
It turns out that such “loads” have a positive effect on fruit trees.
Using filled containers helps to obtain a gigantic harvest of apples.
The gist of the summer cottage trick with bottles on apple trees
The containers are hung with one purpose: to give some branches a horizontal position.
The thing is that shoots that "look" not to the side, but upwards, are "busy" only with their own growth. Problems with fruiting arise.
But as soon as the branches acquire a horizontal position (due to hanging bottles of water or sand), they stop growing. At the same time, buds begin to form.
The result is a significant increase in apple yields.
How to perform the procedure correctly
Have you noticed a large number of vertically positioned branches on your apple tree that need to be bent back?
Then hang weights on these shoots. The ideal option is plastic containers filled with liquid or sand.
The procedure should be carried out in the summer, when buds are formed on the branches of the apple tree.
If you do everything right, you will most likely have a lot of apples to harvest next season.
For reference
Apple tree is a genus of deciduous trees and shrubs of the Rosaceae family with spherical sweet or sweet-sour fruits.