Why Bury a Stone Under an Apple Tree: The Result Will Pleasantly Surprise You - This Trick Was Invented 70 Years Ago

16.11.2024 07:57

Seven decades ago, some summer residents noticed the effectiveness of an unusual technique used when planting apple trees.

So, it is necessary to send a stone into the planting hole.

We must be talking about either one large piece of rock or several small ones.

Photo: © Belnovosti

The results of burying a stone under a fruit tree are amazing: the plant gains protection from adverse weather conditions, and the yield becomes very high.

It is for this reason that modern summer residents should take advantage of a trick invented back in the 50s of the last century.

What happens if you put a stone in a hole when planting an apple tree

If a summer resident, before planting a fruit tree, places a piece of rock in the hole, several positive results will be achieved at once.

Firstly, thanks to the stone, a moderately low temperature will be maintained in the soil and around the root system in the spring. The buds will definitely not open early. Thus, the flora representative will not be afraid of return frosts.

Secondly, during the summer period, the piece of rock will “accumulate” heat, which will have a positive effect on the root system of the apple tree.

Overall result: the fruit tree gains protection from temperature changes, and the gardener gets the opportunity to collect a lot of apples.

It is worth emphasizing that a similar technique is useful not only for apple trees, but also for plum trees.

How to bury a stone under a mature apple tree

It turns out that a piece of rock can be used for more than just planting a tree.

The trick can be done even if the plant is already several years old.

You need to do the following: remove 0.25 m of soil near the section, put a large stone into the resulting depression, fill the hole and cover the soil with mulch material.

Kurchev Anton Author: Kurchev Anton Deputy Editor-in-Chief

  1. What happens if you put a stone in a hole when planting an apple tree
  2. How to bury a stone under a mature apple tree

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