Think March is too early to plant? Some crops yield a harvest as early as May if sown on time.
We will tell you what needs to be sown and planted in March.
Vegetables and greens
For example, radish “18 days” - three weeks after germination you will get juicy root vegetables.

Secret: Plant it in egg trays.
Fill the cells with soil, throw in a seed and bury it in the garden bed. The tray will protect against weeds and retain moisture.
In March, you can sow carrots if you choose the Nantes variety.
Soak the seeds in vodka for 15 minutes - the alcohol will dissolve the essential oils, and the shoots will appear a week earlier.
And for those who love something exotic, try Chinese cabbage.
Plant it in a greenhouse and in 40 days you will have tender heads of cabbage.
But the main hit of March is greens. Dill, parsley, spinach will sprout even on a windowsill. Secret: before planting, freeze the seeds in the freezer for a day. The cold awakens the embryos, and the greens grow thick and fragrant.
And don't forget about potatoes! Sprout the tubers in the light for 2-3 weeks, then plant them in bags with soil. Add soil as they grow - this way you will get a harvest on the balcony.
Ornamental crops
March is also a great time for flowers. Sow petunias in plastic cake containers.
Make drainage holes, add soil and scatter seeds over the surface.
Cover with a lid - you will get a mini-greenhouse. In 10 days, shoots will appear. And to prevent the seedlings from stretching, illuminate them with a phytolamp for 12 hours a day.
And if you want early strawberries, plant them in pots and keep them on a glazed loggia. At a temperature of +15 degrees Celsius, they will bloom in April-May.