What to add to the holes when planting tomato seedlings: 2025 harvest

08.01.2025 16:46

Experienced gardeners plan their plantings in advance. This means that they prepare the bed for planting tomatoes in the fall.

It is no secret that some fertilizers require time to become available to plants.

Experienced gardeners shared their recipes for harvesting a rich tomato crop.

Photo: © Belnovosti

Mineral fertilizers

A proven method. You can calculate the exact dosage and count on a guaranteed result.

In such cases, it is recommended to use a complex fertilizer for tomatoes, or 1 tbsp. of superphosphate.

Before transplanting seedlings into the soil (about a week before carrying out the work), it is necessary to water the beds with a solution of Fitosporin at the rate of 5 g per 10 liters of water.

Organic fertilizers

A week before transplanting, the beds are watered with an infusion of bird droppings (the infusion is prepared in a ratio of 1:20). The consumption of the additive is 0.5 l per hole.

You can add rotted manure (200 g per hole), after mixing it with the soil.

Compost (200 g) will also work, which is also pre-mixed with the soil.

Wood ash is used in the form of infusion and in dry form. One handful mixed with soil is enough for one hole.

Folk recipes

You can add eggshells (a source of calcium), at a rate of 2 teaspoons per hole.

Nettle leaves saturate the soil with nitrogen and other useful substances. One hole will require 5-6 leaves.

Yeast bread is added along with eggshells and a handful of rotted manure.

Fish remains can attract cats or crows, so experienced gardeners prefer fish meal.

The fertilizer contains nitrogen, phosphorus and other useful substances. One hole will require 2-3 tablespoons of flour. You can add the same amount of wood ash.

Igor Zur Author: Igor Zur Internet resource editor

  1. Mineral fertilizers
  2. Organic fertilizers
  3. Folk recipes

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