Often, summer residents, gardeners, vegetable growers and other owners of land plots have to deal with stumps on their plots.
Removing a stump is a very troublesome task. Sometimes, for various reasons, it is simply impossible to uproot it.
Often, heroic strength and special equipment are required.

Experienced foresters shared a method that quickly and effectively solves the problem.
They themselves actively use it in forestry.
The peculiarity of the trick is that it allows you to destroy wood naturally without the use of physical force.
First of all, you need to properly prepare the stump for processing.
It is very important to create a deep hole in the center of the stump (a drill will help).
Remember: the deeper we drill the hole, the faster and more effective the destruction process will be.
It is recommended to use a drill of the largest possible diameter - this will create a sufficiently wide channel.
Now we treat the stump with coarse table salt. We pour it into the hole - fill it as tightly as possible.
Large salt crystals, gradually dissolving, will penetrate the structure of the wood, stimulating the process of destruction.
Next, we will treat the stump with the pharmaceutical drug dimexide, which will enhance the effect of the salt and thereby accelerate the destruction of the wood, turning it into dust.
After a few days you will notice the first results – the wood will begin to soften and gradually deteriorate.