Most summer residents grow cucumbers.
Of course, each of these gardeners expects the plant to produce a large number of high-quality fruits.
It is no secret that in order to get a good harvest, the plant needs to be looked after.
So, garden crops need to be regularly fed and watered.
It is also necessary to remember the importance of choosing the right “neighbors” for cucumber bushes.
It turns out that the ideal option is to plant sunflowers next to cucumbers.
The advantages of this approach were discussed by the expert of the online publication "BelNovosti", agronomist and landscape designer Anastasia Kovrizhnykh.
Why plant sunflowers in cucumber beds
Growing a popular vegetable crop next to a member of the Asteraceae family increases the chances of getting the crispiest fruits possible.
In addition, cucumbers are highly likely to be juicy and have a bright taste.
In addition, sunflowers act as a kind of curtain for garden crops.
As a result, cucumber bushes acquire protection from direct sunlight.
It is worth remembering that in extreme heat, problems with pollination of cucumbers may become apparent.
However, if sunflowers are located nearby, negative consequences are prevented.
As a result, cucumber bushes bear fruit for a very long time.