How to treat raspberries from pests: simple and safe means

11.02.2025 10:59

With the arrival of spring, summer residents must take care of fertilizing and treating crops from pests and diseases.

Raspberry is one of the first on this list. There are countless pests that can ruin your harvest plans.

We will tell you how experienced gardeners cope with this task, who prefer folk remedies rather than industrial chemicals.

Tobacco dust

The resulting product is effective and does not cause any particular harm to the future harvest.

You will need 1 glass of tobacco dust per bucket of boiling water, leave it for 24 hours, and then use it for spraying.

Photo: © Belnovosti


You will need half a glass of mustard powder.

Dissolve it in a small amount of water, then pour a bucket of water over the concentrate and leave it for 24 hours.

Use for spraying.


Two tablespoons of baking soda should be dissolved in a bucket of water and left to sit for a day, after which it should be used to treat the bushes.

All these folk remedies are good and will help prevent the appearance of pests.

But as experience shows, at the early stage of vegetation, industrial preparations do not harm the future harvest and pollinating insects, but at the same time have a long-term effect.

Igor Zur Author: Igor Zur Internet resource editor

  1. Tobacco dust
  2. Mustard
  3. Soda