Want to harvest a bountiful tomato crop in 2025?
Do you dream of a large quantity of sweet and juicy tomatoes?
Then act correctly when transplanting seedlings!
Pour one product into the hole dug for the young plant.
As a result, the vegetable crop will not encounter problems at the first stage of its development after transplantation.
Tomatoes will grow and develop fully: the chances of a good harvest will be maximum.
An expert of the online publication "BelNovosti", agronomist and landscape designer Anastasia Kovrizhnykh shared an important recommendation with summer residents.
What to add to the hole when transplanting tomatoes
In the first period after transplantation, the plant will have a great need for phosphorus.
This is why it makes sense to pour one tablespoon of superphosphate into the hole.
There is another good option. We are talking about AVA fertilizer for vegetables: "combine" 5 grams of this product with sand, and then pour it into the hole.
Thanks to this additive, tomatoes will retain access to a considerable amount of important microelements and nutrients for a very long time.
There is another important point: you need to treat the soil in a certain way in the area where you will be planting tomato seedlings.
Approximately 7 days before the procedure, water the soil with a solution prepared as follows: 5 grams of a product called “Fitosporin-M” per bucket of water.