It often happens that after spending a lot of time and effort growing onions, you have to throw away a large number of rotten bulbs.
This problem can be avoided by not taking certain actions, which often result in the process of rotting.
First of all, you need to carefully select high-quality seed material, as well as a place for planting onions.

What indicates poor quality
Poor quality of seed onions significantly increases the risk of major crop losses due to rotting.
Signs of poor quality seed material:
– uncharacteristic color of the bulb scales (normal onion sets are practically no different in color from “adult” bulbs);
- the emanating smell of dampness and rot;
- wet scales, damage.
Landing place
As for the planting site, you should not choose low areas where water will stagnate, which will cause the onions to rot.
The distance from the soil surface in the area where onions are planted to the groundwater should be taken into account.
If necessary, create a higher bed for the plant with drainage layers.
Onions also begin to rot in soil that is depleted of the crops that previously grew there.
Another reason for crop loss due to rot is various diseases. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out appropriate prevention.
Gardener's mistakes
Illiterate actions of the gardener himself also lead to rotting.
For example, even with frequent summer rains, some people water the crop excessively, thereby creating conditions for the appearance of rotten fruits.
Likewise, sometimes people overdo it with fertilizing, which can lead to softening of the fruit and further rotting.
It happens that a person picks off the green part of an onion, forgetting that the feathers are a continuation of the scales, each of which will dry out, having lost the above-ground part.
The result of such actions may be a harvest with small and softened bulbs, which in a rainy summer will lead to their rotting.
But even those that “survive” will only be stored for a very short time after harvesting.