Proper care of raspberry bushes, regular watering and timely application of suitable fertilizers do not guarantee a bountiful harvest.
The quantity and quality of the collected berries may be low, despite all the above measures.
This can happen if a bad “neighbor” was chosen for the raspberry.
If a representative of flora that has a negative impact on a popular berry crop grows next to it, then you cannot count on a high yield.
An expert of the online publication "BelNovosti", agronomist and landscape designer Anastasia Kovrizhnykh listed the worst neighbors for raspberries.
These plants can deprive berry crops of nutrients and moisture, and at the same time become carriers of dangerous diseases.
Because of such a “neighbor,” raspberries may encounter verticillium wilt.
A similar consequence can occur when planting potatoes next to raspberries.
If garden strawberries grow next to raspberry bushes, serious problems with the root system of the first plant may arise.
And this crop will enter into a fight with raspberries for nutrients.
For a similar reason, you shouldn’t plant blueberries next to raspberry bushes.
Such a “neighbor” can seriously slow down the growth of raspberries.
With such a neighborhood, a representative of the rose family may encounter serious fungal diseases.
These greens can slow down the growth and development of raspberries, and at the same time make the fruits tasteless.
Planting radishes next to raspberry bushes will lead to the same consequences.