The summer cottage off-season has recently started.
However, this does not mean that gardeners and vegetable growers can completely relax.
It's not time to relax yet! There is one December procedure that needs to be done in your country house.

So, we need to check the inventory.
It is possible that some instruments will need to be treated with some special treatment.
What to do with garden tools in December
During the first month of winter, check the condition of all shovels, pitchforks, rakes, hoes, pruning shears, garden shears, etc.
There will certainly be instruments found that are in poor condition.
Try to repair them if possible.
If we are talking about mold on a wooden part, then “go over” the corresponding part of the device with a piece of cloth soaked in a solution of potassium permanganate.
Next, you need to dry the instrument, and after some time, treat it with drying oil or solid oil.
If the device cannot be restored, then the item should simply be thrown away.
Then, of course, you need to buy a replacement tool.
Start buying new shovels, rakes and shears during the summer cottage off-season! There will simply be no time to do this after the new season: there will be a lot of work in the spring months anyway.