A Mistake That Will Destroy Your Garden: How Many Years in a Row Can You Plant Strawberries in One Place

08.02.2025 19:44

Strawberries are the queen of berries, but their “reign” in one garden bed should be strictly limited!

Research by Michigan State University has proven that as early as the third year, weevil larvae and gray mold spores accumulate in the soil under strawberries.

Professor of botany Anna Kovalchuk explains on Radio Dacha:

Photo: © Belnovosti

"Strawberry roots secrete colines, substances that inhibit the growth of even their own daughter rosettes."

The result? The berries become smaller and the bushes wither.

A striking example is the story of Olga Petrova, a gardener from Tver. In her blog, Berry Paradise, she described the catastrophe:

"In the fifth year, the strawberry yield was 10 times smaller! The laboratory discovered nematodes in the soil - worms that eat roots."

But how can you extend the life of a plantation if you can’t change its location?

Dutch technology: completely renew the bushes every two years and mulch the bed with pine sawdust - they slow down the reproduction of pests.

Japanese method: plant garlic and marigolds between the rows. Their phytoncides repel insects, and the roots disinfect the soil.

Scientists from Wageningen University also recommend using drip irrigation with the addition of Fitosporin-M and Alirin-B.

This reduces the risk of fungal diseases by 60%. Remember: strawberries require not only love, but also strict discipline!

Sergey Tumanov Author: Sergey Tumanov Internet resource editor

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