Raspberry Care in October: What's the Most Important Thing to Do with Raspberries This Month

21.10.2024 21:54

You can get a large quantity of large and tasty raspberries only if, firstly, you choose the right variety, and secondly, you take care of the proper care of this plant.

One of the necessary operations that should be carried out on raspberries with the onset of autumn is to protect them from didymella, or purple spot.

Getting rid of this scourge is extremely difficult, and what is especially upsetting for summer residents is that this pathogen attacks raspberries more strongly the more productive they are.

Photo: © Belnovosti

Modern, highly productive, large varieties with a long harvest period suffer especially badly.

Why you shouldn't use synthetic drugs

The answer to this question is simple: most synthetic preparations are weak against didimella. This is explained by the special biology of the pathogen, as well as the fact that it becomes unusually quickly resistant to the active substances included in synthetic pesticides.

Drugs that are effective against didimella

Copper-based products remain effective. The main rule for using them is that they can only be used when there is no longer a harvest on the raspberries.

During such periods, it is permitted to carry out treatment using Bordeaux mixture, malachite solution, Burgundy liquid, etc.

What to do with remontant raspberries

While the above method is good for summer raspberries, it cannot be used for remontant raspberries.

In this case, along with the autumn feeding, you should add metarhizium, which has a unique ability to destroy didimella, as well as rhizoctonia and other raspberry diseases.

It is also allowed to apply it separately - at any time, even in the spring.

Elena Shimanovskaya Author: Elena Shimanovskaya Editor of Internet resources

  1. Why you shouldn't use synthetic drugs
  2. Drugs that are effective against didimella
  3. What to do with remontant raspberries

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