Here's what you need to manage to treat gooseberries and currants with before the end of October: if you don't do this, you'll be left without a harvest next year

02.10.2024 02:30

Autumn treatment of some fruit bushes is a very important procedure.

If the gardener does not carry it out on time, then in the next summer cottage season, most likely, he will be left without a high-quality and rich harvest of berries.

What kind of treatment are we talking about? The answer is simple: the one that will result in the elimination of pests.

Photo: © Belnovosti

The fact is that some dangerous insects really like to “hide” under fallen leaf blades, as well as in dried shoots.

If you do not remove these “uninvited guests” in time, then next spring the plants will be attacked by them.

The shrubs that need autumn treatment first and foremost are currants and gooseberries.

How and what to treat currants and gooseberries with in autumn

First, you need to remove any fallen leaves from under the plants.

After this, you need to dig up the soil under the bushes.

The next step is spraying the plants with Bordeaux mixture.

It is also necessary to water the dug up soil with a solution of copper sulfate (50 grams per 10 liters of plain water).

In addition, it makes sense to sprinkle currants and gooseberries with a small amount of unburned wood residue. You can also pour drops of onion peel infusion over the bushes.

By what day should gooseberries and currants be processed?

This must be done before November 1st.

Carrying out the procedure after the end of October is fraught with a complete lack of positive results.

Kurchev Anton Author: Kurchev Anton Deputy Editor-in-Chief

  1. How and what to treat currants and gooseberries with in autumn
  2. By what day should gooseberries and currants be processed?

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