It is known that the shelf life of crops is influenced by many factors.
The correctness of harvesting is also one of them.
What rules should be followed when digging up beets?
If there are weeds in the beet bed, they are removed first. This simplifies the harvesting process.

If your soil is not too loose, you cannot do without this procedure. It is best to use a pitchfork. You need to lift the soil layer for subsequent actions.
After you have carried out the previous procedure, you can begin harvesting the crop. To do this, you need to hold the tops firmly and simply pull the beets out of the soil.
Preparation for storage
The beets need to be shaken off carefully to remove any clumps of soil that have stuck to them. You don't need to rub them too hard: if you damage the skin, the beets won't keep.
Then we leave one and a half centimeters of tops, and remove the rest with a pruner or a good knife. The beets should dry in the fresh air during the day.