Smart gardeners don't throw away watermelon rinds.
Such people know that the remains of melon crops are not waste, but an effective gardening tool.
It turns out that if you scatter watermelon rinds around your dacha in the evening, you will achieve one interesting result.

Watermelon rinds against pests
The hard outer shell of the melon crop can act as… bait for pests.
So, watermelon rinds will certainly attract dangerous insects.
Pests will probably notice the sweet smell of watermelon remains and will “stick” to these pieces.
An important point: you need to scatter the crusts in the evening.
During the night, insects will gather on these pieces. And in the morning, the gardener will only have to collect the crusts and throw them away.
Thus, it will be much easier for the owner of a country plot to fight pests.
Watermelon rinds as part of compost
And the solid remains of the fruit can be sent to the compost pit.
The crusts will begin to decompose, making the compost even more effective as a fertilizer.