Compost has been in demand among knowledgeable people for a long time, but it has only become widespread in recent years.
Now, almost every plot of land is engaged in the "mining" of high-quality and natural fertilizer.
However, it is always worth remembering that just one wrong component can ruin the compost.

What definitely should not be added to compost
If you like to add weeds to your compost, make sure they don't have seeds. Otherwise, you'll have to fight the weeds hard later.
Diseased plants
Even if you have doubts about plant remains, it is easier to dispose of them immediately. You cannot allow the risk of contamination of the entire compost.
Otherwise, you will endanger the entire area.
Some remains of trees
Many people may think that a small amount of bark or branches can be beneficial to compost. However, in the case of willow, oak, aspen and poplar, this rule does not work.
You shouldn't even add the leaves of these trees: otherwise the compost will take a very long time to "mature".