How to Grow Smooth, Sweet, and Large Carrots: Crucial Fertilizing in August

03.08.2024 14:35

The time has come for gardeners who expect to harvest large, smooth and juicy carrots.

Despite the fact that carrots are a late crop, it is in August that the decisive fertilizing should be applied, on which the quality of the harvest will depend.

Experienced gardeners keep several recipes for preparing nutrient solutions or infusions in stock for this occasion.

Folk methods

1. From organic matter, wood ash should be used at this time.

It can be applied in dry form, simply scattered between the rows in an even layer, and then carefully loosened.

Photo: © Belnovosti

You can prepare an infusion, for which you will need two glasses of ash, which are poured with a bucket of boiling water and infused for 24 hours.

Then the infusion is filtered and used for watering.

2. The next type of fertilizer is a solution of boric acid.

You will need one teaspoon of the product per liter of hot water. After dissolving, you need to bring the total volume to 10 liters by diluting with cold water.

Used only for spraying tops!

Mineral supplements

Monopotassium phosphate is the easiest way to improve the quality of carrot crops.

The supplement contains potassium and phosphorus and is used according to the instructions.

When to feed

The time for applying fertilizers in August depends on the ripening time of carrots. If these are late-ripening varieties, then you can feed the carrots at the end of August.

But on average, it is recommended to apply fertilizers 3-4 weeks before harvesting.

Igor Zur Author: Igor Zur Internet resource editor

  1. Folk methods
  2. Mineral supplements
  3. When to feed