Find out why onions bolt and how to avoid it: tips and tricks for successfully growing onions without bolting

24.06.2024 13:15

Every gardener has faced the problem of getting arrows instead of juicy bulbs. Why do onions go into arrows?

Understanding the biology of the plant and proper care for it will help to understand this.

Reasons for bow bolting

The main reason why onions bolt is a violation of growing conditions. Onions are a biennial plant, and bolting is a natural part of its life cycle.

In the first year, the onion forms a bulb, and in the second year, it produces a flower stalk for reproduction.

But if the growing conditions do not meet the plant’s requirements, it may begin to bolt already in the first year.

Photo: © Belnovosti

Temperature plays a key role. Onions love coolness, and when planted in warm weather, the plants begin to perceive it as the onset of the second year of life, which provokes the release of arrows.

The optimal temperature for growing onions is about 12-15 degrees Celsius at the initial stage of growth.

Influence of storage conditions

Another important factor is the proper storage of seed material.

If the onion sets (small bulbs for planting) were stored at too high or too low a temperature, the likelihood of bolting increases.

The most favorable temperature for storing sets is about 0-2 degrees Celsius. It is important to maintain a stable temperature and humidity to avoid stress for the plant.

Planting recommendations

Choosing the right planting dates is one of the main secrets of successfully growing onions without shoots.

Early planting in cold soil can lead to bolting, so it is important to wait for optimal conditions. Planting should be done in well-warmed soil, but before the onset of heat.
"Onions require attention and care, and then they will repay with a good harvest." These words emphasize the importance of the correct approach to growing this vegetable.
The choice of variety is also important. There are varieties that are more resistant to bolting, and they are worth choosing for sowing.

For example, varieties such as "Strigunovsky", "Sibirsky" and "Ellan" tolerate unfavorable conditions better and are less likely to bolt.

Plant care

To avoid bolting, it is important to provide the onion with proper care. Regular watering and fertilizing are necessary to form strong bulbs.

It is important to remember that onions do not like excess moisture, so watering should be moderate.

Extra attention should be paid to loosening the soil and removing weeds, as this improves aeration of the root system and promotes better growth.

It is also important to observe crop rotation, not planting onions in the same place for several years in a row.

Earlier we told you what to do if strawberries are not sweet.

Sergey Tumanov Author: Sergey Tumanov Internet resource editor

  1. Reasons for bow bolting
  2. Influence of storage conditions
  3. Planting recommendations
  4. Plant care