Usually, there is a whole line of pests waiting to eat the cabbage.
Therefore, a summer resident needs to know how to resist them.
Often, accessible and time-tested methods come to the rescue.

How to protect yourself from cabbage flies and aphids
Try wormwood
You need to pick about a kilogram of the plant in advance and keep the wormwood in the fresh air for 48 hours. After that, cut the plant material.
We put the wormwood into a saucepan and pour in water so that the plant is “hidden”.
After boiling, we set a timer for 15 minutes. Filter the product and add a bucket of water.
Hot pepper
You will need to prepare about a kilogram of pepper in advance. Chop the vegetable with a knife, put it in a ten-liter pot with water and wait ten minutes after boiling.
Then we wait 48 hours. Filter the composition. For every half liter of the product we take a bucket of water.
Both of these methods are also effective against caterpillars.
Previously, we talked about how to deal with powdery mildew and root rot using brilliant green .