Is it possible to remove couch grass from the garden without chemicals: don't miss a great opportunity

03.06.2024 18:50

Couch grass is one of the most annoying weeds. Once it gets into the garden, it will not give up its positions and will continue to capture meter after meter.

Along with it, pests will be drawn to the garden, followed by diseases, which will have the most negative impact on the harvest.

There are several options - a chemical method, as well as a folk method. But in the latter case, no one guarantees the result.

Another way to remove couch grass from garden beds is physical removal. The most labor-intensive, but effective.


No one will dispute the effectiveness of this method, but once you imagine the process, the desire will immediately disappear.

Photo: © Belnovosti

Some people advise digging up couch grass with a pitchfork, but the essence remains the same.


A less labor-intensive process. Its advantage is the minimal risk of harming the roots of nearby cultivated plants.

The soil is covered with light-impermeable agrofibre, cardboard, straw or other material.

However, you will have to wait several months for the results.

Green manure

Mustard, phacelia, buckwheat, clover and other crops will help to remove couch grass.

The solution can be called comprehensive, since most of these plants saturate the soil with useful substances, loosen the soil, drive away pests and at the same time crowd out weeds.

It is believed that rye and oats are the best for dealing with couch grass.

Earlier we told you what fertilizers will help you get an unprecedented harvest of cucumbers .

Igor Zur Author: Igor Zur Internet resource editor

  1. Digging
  2. Mulching
  3. Green manure