How to Deepen Tomato Seedlings When Picking: A Practical Guide for Gardeners

27.05.2024 05:50

Growing tomatoes from seedlings is a responsible process that requires attention and knowledge.

One of the key stages is picking, when plants are transplanted into more spacious containers.

Anastasia Kovrizhnykh , an expert of the online publication "BelNovosti", an agronomist and landscape designer, told how to act in such a situation.

Deepening the tomato seedlings during picking plays an important role in the development of the root system and strengthening the stem.

Correct execution of this step will ensure healthy and productive bushes in the future.

Photo: © Belnovosti

Why deepen tomato seedlings

Deepening tomato seedlings promotes the development of a strong root system. When transplanting, plants are deepened to the first true leaves, which allows additional roots to form on the deepened part of the stem.

This strengthens the plant, making it more resistant to adverse conditions and increasing its ability to absorb water and nutrients. Plants with a developed root system adapt to a new location faster and tolerate transplantation better.

Preparing for the dive

Before you start picking, it is important to prepare all the necessary materials and tools. You will need separate pots or boxes with drainage holes, soil mixture, water and a tool for transplanting.

The soil must be prepared in advance, ensuring its fertility and looseness. It should consist of a mixture of peat, sand and humus, which will provide optimal conditions for root growth.

The seedlings are watered a few hours before picking to make it easier to remove the plants from the soil. It is important to act carefully so as not to damage the roots and stems of the young plants. Each seedling should be removed with a lump of soil to minimize stress on the plant.

Technique for deepening seedlings

When picking, tomato seedlings are deepened to the first true leaves. To do this, make a hole in the prepared pot or box, sufficient to accommodate the roots and part of the stem. The plant is carefully placed in the hole, straightening the roots, and covered with soil.

Deepening to the first leaves stimulates the formation of additional roots, which contributes to better rooting and growth of the plant.

It is important to ensure that the soil around the stem is compacted firmly, but not too much so as not to damage the roots. After planting, the plant should be watered generously to settle the soil and ensure good contact between the roots and the soil. Watering also helps to eliminate air pockets in the soil.

Care after picking

After picking, tomato seedlings require special care for rapid rooting and adaptation to new conditions.

The first few days, the plants should be kept in partial shade to avoid stress from bright light. The temperature should be maintained at 18-20 °C to stimulate root growth. Watering is carried out as the top layer of soil dries, avoiding both overdrying and over-watering.

To improve rooting, you can use growth stimulants that help plants adapt faster.

Top dressing begins two weeks after picking, using a weak solution of complex fertilizers. It is important to maintain a balance of nutrients to avoid overfeeding and deterioration of the plants.

Possible errors and their elimination

One of the common mistakes when picking is not planting the plants deep enough. As a result, the root system develops poorly, and the plants become less stable. Another mistake can be in excessive deepening, when they are deepened more than the first leaves, which can lead to stem rot.

It is important to monitor the quality of the soil and avoid using heavy clay soils that do not allow air and water to pass through well. If the soil is too dense, the plants may experience oxygen starvation. In this case, it is recommended to add sand or perlite to improve aeration.

Benefits of Correct Depth

Proper deepening of tomato seedlings during picking provides a number of advantages. Firstly, it promotes the development of a powerful root system, which improves the resistance of plants to adverse conditions.

Secondly, strengthened plants adapt to transplantation faster and are less susceptible to diseases and pests. Thirdly, proper planting allows you to get larger and better quality fruits.

Strong roots provide better nutrition to plants, which has a positive effect on their growth and yield.

Proper care and timely deepening promote healthy plant development and allow you to get a high yield of tasty and juicy tomatoes.

Earlier we told you how you shouldn’t plant tomato seedlings in open ground.

Igor Zur Author: Igor Zur Internet resource editor

Anastasia Kovrizhnykh Expert: Anastasia KovrizhnykhExpert / Belnovosti

  1. Why deepen tomato seedlings
  2. Preparing for the dive
  3. Technique for deepening seedlings
  4. Care after picking
  5. Possible errors and their elimination
  6. Benefits of Correct Depth