Some summer residents stick spruce branches around the perimeter of the carrot bed.
For novice gardeners, this action may seem pointless.
However, it is still worth repeating the procedure. After all, thanks to the needles, two positive effects are achieved at once.

Which ones exactly? This question was answered by the expert of the online publication "BelNovosti", scientist-agronomist and landscape designer Anastasia Kovrizhnykh .
Protecting carrots
Thanks to spruce branches, garden crops gain protection from carrot fly.
The fact is that parts of coniferous trees are quite good at repelling this dangerous pest.
The spruce branches should remain stuck into the soil around the carrot bed for 2-3 weeks. When this period has expired, the protective agent should be removed.
Pine needles as mulch
Once the spruce branches are removed, their positive influence on the plant will not cease.
The point is that there will be a lot of needles left on the ground. The latter will significantly improve the condition of the soil cover.
Firstly, many useful substances and compounds will enter the soil.
Secondly, thanks to the coniferous mulch material, the risk of weeds appearing will be minimal.
Earlier, summer residents were told what needs to be added to the beds in May to improve the composition of the soil.