What undemanding shrubs can be planted in the country: the best options - not everyone knows about them

28.04.2024 15:45

No summer resident would refuse to plant a decent bush, but there is not always time for demanding crops.

Therefore, we want to find plants that will decorate the area, give a good harvest and will not require attention from us.

As it turns out, the choice is quite large, notes the expert of the online publication "BelNovosti", landscape designer and agronomist Anastasia Kovrizhnykh .

Photo: © Belnovosti

What shrubs can you pay attention to?


Many people know about the benefits of gooseberries: they are a real vitamin supplement. Therefore, gooseberries should definitely be on the plot.

In addition, this plant does not require thorough care. You can also choose varieties that do not prickle much. This will further simplify the process of harvesting.


It is difficult to find a shrub that could compare with viburnum in its beauty. The plant looks good at any stage of its development.

It is noteworthy that it requires virtually no care from you.

Despite this, viburnum will always look extremely dignified.


The advantage of this bush is that these berries are not often used for culinary purposes, so you have every chance to surprise your guests.

They will certainly appreciate jams, compotes and desserts that contain chokeberry.

Previously, we talked about which varieties of hydrangeas can be called shade-loving .

Marina Michalap Author: Marina Michalap Internet resource editor

Anastasia Kovrizhnykh Expert: Anastasia KovrizhnykhExpert / Belnovosti

  1. What shrubs can you pay attention to?
  2. Gooseberry
  3. Viburnum
  4. Chokeberry

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