Dandelion in the garden: how to get rid of and benefit from the weed

01.04.2024 06:50

Dandelions in small quantities can become a decoration of a summer cottage. However, when there are many plants, this can be a problem.

Therefore, it is necessary to know how to remove the plant correctly and where the weed can be used.

Anastasia Kovrizhnykh , an expert of the online publication "BelNovosti", an agronomist and landscape designer, told how to get rid of dandelions.

Photo: © Belnovosti

Harm from dandelions

Despite the fact that the dandelion is small in size, the plant can destroy the harvest.

The harm from the plant can be as follows:

• the plant’s roots are very developed, therefore, despite the small size of the bush, dandelion can suppress other crops and spread over long distances;
• the plant reproduces quickly. The seeds are spread by the wind over long distances. Therefore, if the weed is not removed in time, the plant will occupy the entire area;
• the plant consumes a lot of nutrients that are necessary for the development of other crops.

Therefore, with the appearance of the first dandelions, summer residents try to take all necessary measures to prevent the weed from growing.

Methods of weed control

Dandelion, despite its small size, has well-developed roots. Therefore, in order to eliminate the plant, it is not enough to pull it out of the ground. To combat a large number of dandelions, the following methods are often used.


Weeding should be done before the plant starts to bloom. Using a shovel, you remove the weed along with the root.

Often, summer residents weed out the plant, however, as practice shows, such actions are ineffective. If the plant has appeared in the garden bed and it is difficult to dig it out, it is recommended to use a root remover.

Salt and vinegar

For large amounts of weeds, you can use a folk method that has repeatedly proven effective in the fight against weeds.

The bushes need to be sprinkled with salt. The plant will gradually begin to turn yellow and die. A more effective method is spraying with vinegar. The product is placed in a spray bottle and sprayed on the plant. The effect is noticeable within 24 hours.

Cover with agrofibre

Dandelion cannot develop normally without sunlight. Therefore, agrofibre is often used to combat the pest.

The material must be applied to the area and left for 10 days. The black color does not allow the rays to penetrate, and the plant dies naturally.

Boiling water

Used when it is necessary to remove a small number of plants. Boiled water is poured onto the bushes.

To completely remove the plants, 1-3 such waterings are enough.

Useful properties of dandelion for the garden

Dandelion can be used as a fertilizer for the garden. The plant contains such useful substances as nitrogen, potassium, manganese.

Therefore, gardeners often dig up young bushes and use them to prepare green manure.

To make such a top dressing at home, you need to follow the following algorithm of actions:

• thoroughly rinse dug up plants with roots with water;
• chop with a knife and place in a deep container;
• pour water in the proportion of 1 kg of grass and 2 liters of water;
• leave for 2-3 days until the fermentation process begins.

Green manure can be used for garden crops. The fertilizer is applied to the root area. Before applying green manure, the soil must be thoroughly watered with warm water.

Dandelion is an attractive plant in appearance. However, in large quantities, dandelion acts as a weed in a summer cottage.

To combat this, urgent measures must be taken. Otherwise, the plant grows very quickly and can harm the harvest.

Earlier we talked about how to choose neighbors for raspberries .

Igor Zur Author: Igor Zur Internet resource editor

Anastasia Kovrizhnykh Expert: Anastasia KovrizhnykhExpert / Belnovosti

  1. Harm from dandelions
  2. Methods of weed control
  3. Digging
  4. Salt and vinegar
  5. Cover with agrofibre
  6. Boiling water
  7. Useful properties of dandelion for the garden

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