Summer residents treat southern crops, both vegetable and fruit, with trepidation, but not everyone manages to avoid mistakes.
For example, questions may arise in the spring if the apricot tree requires pruning that was not done in the fall.
Anastasia Kovrizhnykh , an expert of the online publication "BelNovosti", an agronomist and landscape designer, told whether it is possible to prune apricots in the spring.

With some skills and knowledge, you can prune the southern stone fruit crop without harming the harvest.
Why is this necessary?
Pruning improves lighting and ventilation in the tree crown, which serves as a means of disease prevention and reduces the likelihood of pests.
When to trim
The first condition is to do it before the buds appear. Pruning after the sap starts to flow will increase the risk of diseases.
In the southern regions, pruning is planned for the end of March, and in the northern regions until mid-April, but taking into account climatic features.
How to trim
They practice rejuvenating, formative (regulatory), and sanitary pruning.
It is necessary to maintain annual growth within 50 cm and remove no more than 1/3 of the total number of skeletal branches.
An unbranched tree is shortened by 30 cm, and when pruning branched trees, the crown is formed.
Tall trees are pruned using the sparse-tiered pruning method (5 skeletal branches are formed at intervals of 35-40 cm).
For shorter trees, vase-shaped pruning is used (branches are cut around the trunk).
Be sure to remove branches that thicken the crown, crooked ones, growing at an acute angle, as well as branches growing at an obtuse angle downwards, shoots below the 1st tier, and along with them dry, diseased and damaged branches.
Earlier we talked about whether all seeds need to be soaked before sowing.