The air quality in city apartments leaves much to be desired.
The reason is not only that cars are droning outside the windows, but that inside the houses there are plenty of sources of air pollution.
This applies to both artificial materials that emit harmful substances and ordinary dust.

Anastasia Kovrizhnykh , an expert of the online publication "BelNovosti", an agronomist and landscape designer, told which indoor plants will help to clean the air in the house.
It not only absorbs harmful substances, but also helps fight dust.
Effectively cleans the air from toxins emitted by artificial materials such as chipboard, laminate and other surfaces.
Snake tail
This plant is an indoor plant, does not require special care and at night turns into a factory for converting carbon dioxide into oxygen.
They say that the plant absorbs allergens contained in the air in the apartment, as well as harmful substances such as formaldehyde, benzene, and others.
Of all the requirements this flower has, one is regular watering.
Bamboo, or areca palm, is also effective in combating dust and decorating the interior.
But against the background of plants that purify the air, the palm tree also humidifies it.
Prefers diffused light and moderate watering.
Previously, we talked about how to rid indoor plants of scale insects.