It is no secret how important the smell that reigns in the house is: the well-being and mood of the residents directly depend on this factor.
According to the expert of the online publication BelNovosti, scientist-agronomist, landscape designer Anastasia Kovrizhnykh , no smell emitted by air fresheners can compare with the fragrance emitted by some plants.
Myrtle can be recognized by its hard leaves – they emit essential oils that fill the room with a fresh scent reminiscent of eucalyptus, which is known to have the ability to calm the nervous system.

The main thing when choosing geranium is to choose the right variety. This factor affects what kind of aroma you will feel - lemon, apple, nutmeg, etc.
Another interesting fact about geranium: the substances secreted by the flower will help you get rid of a headache.
Jasmine Sambac
During flowering, which, by the way, lasts from March to October, the plant is literally covered with flowers that are small in size and have a pleasant, slightly sweet aroma.
Hoya carnosa
If you prefer not a subtle incense, but a heavy, quite noticeable aroma, you should take a closer look at the Hoya carnifex, whose large star-shaped flowers, which are white and pink in color, smell pleasantly of liqueur.