Many summer residents, when choosing ornamental plants for their garden plots, focus only on beauty, and this is very much in vain.
An expert of the online publication Belnovosti, agronomist, and landscape designer Anastasia Kovrizhnykh talks about three beautiful plants that can cause a lot of problems.
Maiden grapes
Climbing plants are known to be able to spread throughout the entire area.

Virginia creeper will compete with other plants for space and can also destroy trees and buildings.
In addition, thickets of maiden grapes can become a habitat for mosquitoes.
This plant will have to be constantly treated with special preparations against boxwood moth.
You will also have to regularly trim the boxwood and collect caterpillars from it.
Very demanding of soil. On alkaline and neutral soils it will wither and become ill.
In addition, all parts of this plant are poisonous. When caring for rhododendron, you will have to use gloves and make sure that its juice does not get into your eyes or mouth.