Snakes are unpleasant "visitors" to our area, and meeting them will not please anyone.
Even if the snake is not poisonous, many people have an instinctive fear of it.
It is also worth remembering that some of them can pose a serious threat to human life and pets, reminds the expert of the online publication "BelNovosti", landscape designer and agronomist Anastasia Kovrizhnykh .

What protective equipment can be used?
If you plant garlic in large quantities, especially around the perimeter of the plot, snakes are unlikely to visit you. The fact is that they cannot stand the aroma of the plant.
So don't forget to plant more garlic.
Don't chase away the hedgehogs
Some people are mistaken that hedgehogs eat plants and mushrooms: they are real predators. If a hedgehog settles near your property, you will forget not only about snakes, but also about rodents.
One simple procedure can be carried out periodically. The perimeter of the plot will need to be "outlined" with mustard powder. This will also prevent slugs from getting into the garden.
It is worth remembering that after rain the mustard layer needs to be renewed.