How to achieve a bountiful harvest: secrets of feeding and caring for strawberries in July

26.06.2023 02:20

July is considered an important period for strawberries, when the berries begin to fill out and the plants begin to actively develop.

To ensure a bountiful harvest and get juicy and sweet berries, it is necessary to feed strawberries correctly.

There are several effective ways to feed strawberries in July that will help increase the yield.

1. Organic fertilizers

One of the best ways to feed strawberries in July is to use organic fertilizers.

Compost, humus or organic fertilizers based on seaweed are excellent for this purpose. They contain many essential nutrients that promote plant growth and development.

Strawberry Berries
Photo: © Belnovosti

2. Mineral fertilizers

In addition to using organic fertilizers, in July it is also permissible to use mineral fertilizers to meet the needs of strawberries in essential nutrients.

It is recommended to choose fertilizers rich in nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. They will help stimulate root growth, improve flowering and promote berry filling.

3. Liquid fertilizers

Liquid fertilizers are a quick and effective way to feed strawberries in July.

They are easily absorbed by plants and can provide immediate access to nutrients.

Dissolve liquid fertilizer in water according to package directions and water your strawberries with this solution to speed up their growth and fruit filling.

4. Foliar nutrition

Foliar nutrition is an additional method of feeding strawberries. It involves spraying a nutrient solution onto the leaves of plants.

Foliar feeding allows plants to immediately receive the nutrients they need and can be especially beneficial during periods of intense growth and development.

5. Regular watering

Don't forget about regular watering of strawberries. In July, when the temperature rises, the plants need additional moisture.

Keep the soil moist, but do not overwater it. Regular watering plays an important role in the absorption of nutrients by plants and promotes the development of sweet and juicy berries in strawberries.

6. Protection from pests

An important aspect of strawberry care in July is protection from pests.

At this time of year, strawberries can be attacked by various pests that can damage the berries and reduce the yield.

To keep your plants safe, regularly inspect your strawberries for pests such as leaf rollers, mites, and scale insects.

If you find signs of their presence, take appropriate control measures using organic or chemical products recommended for specific pests.

7. Support and pruning

An important aspect of strawberry care in July is plant support and pruning.

As the berries begin to fill out, strawberry plants may become heavy and droopy.

Use stakes or special structures to support the plant and prevent damage to the berries from contact with the soil.

Also, pruning shoots and faded flower stalks is an important practice for stimulating the growth of new shoots and increasing the yield of strawberries.

8. Mulching the soil

Mulching is a great way to retain moisture in the soil and prevent weeds.

Weeds compete with strawberries for nutrients, water and light, which can negatively affect plant growth.
In July, apply a layer of organic mulch around the strawberries.

This will help maintain optimal conditions for the growth and development of the plant, and will also protect the berries from falling into the soil.

9. Watch the weather

In July, weather conditions can vary from hot days to heavy rainfall.

Pay attention to weather forecasts and adapt your strawberry care accordingly.

In case of extreme heat, provide additional watering, and if a rainstorm is coming, try using covers to protect plants from over-watering.

10. Regular care

Don't forget about regular strawberry care. Remove dead leaves and weeds, weed, and monitor the general condition of the plant.

Regular care will help prevent disease and maintain the health of strawberries, which will lead to a higher quality and more abundant harvest of berries.

By following these tips for feeding and caring for strawberries in July, you can enjoy a bountiful harvest of juicy and sweet berries.

Remember that every garden and every strawberry plant is unique, so it's important to observe your plants and adapt your care to their needs.

Igor Zur Author: Igor Zur Internet resource editor

  1. 1. Organic fertilizers
  2. 2. Mineral fertilizers
  3. 3. Liquid fertilizers
  4. 4. Foliar nutrition
  5. 5. Regular watering
  6. 6. Protection from pests
  7. 7. Support and pruning
  8. 8. Mulching the soil
  9. 9. Watch the weather
  10. 10. Regular care