How to fertilize garlic in June-July: after these top dressings, the harvest will grow by leaps and bounds

14.06.2023 19:41

In the first month of summer, garlic needs nitrogen.

Manure or bird droppings are suitable for feeding. You can also make a green infusion from grass. The products should be applied to the root zone, but only after preliminary watering with clean water.

All fertilizers are prepared very simply. For example, if it was decided to use chicken manure, then for 1 kg of the product you need to take 10 liters of water. The solution is infused for several days. Before watering, each liter of fertilizer should be diluted with 9 liters of clean warm water.

In July, the plant already enters the head formation phase. Therefore, at this time, it is necessary to add potassium and phosphorus, which are responsible for the size, ripening of the crop, and its storage.

Ash is suitable for this.

Garlic, vegetable garden
Photo: © Belnovosti

You can use the fertilizer in dry form or prepare an infusion.

For 2 glasses of ash, you need to take 8 liters of water, and then this product should be infused for 2 days. Before use, you should dilute the fertilizer with water so that the volume of the solution is 12 liters. You will have to pour 0.5 liters under each plant.

A good remedy for increasing the mass of garlic heads is prepared using yeast and bread.

Purchased fertilizers are also relevant. They are used according to the instructions on the packaging.

Olga Kotova Author: Olga Kotova Internet resource editor