Raspberry moth will no longer harm the bushes: the pest will be scared away by a composition without “chemicals”

21.05.2023 16:50

In order to collect a lot of juicy and sweet berries every year, it is necessary to ensure that the harvest is not destroyed by pests.

Raspberries have plenty of enemies. Among them is the raspberry bud moth, which damages the buds and shoots of the bushes.

Raspberry moth

Caterpillars spend the winter in cocoons under the bark. Favorite places during cold weather:

  • stump bases;
  • branches;
  • garden waste.

The pest becomes active in early spring. The offspring of the raspberry moth crawl out, gnaw into the raspberry buds and eat the contents. This leads to the drying out of the buds.

Caterpillars eat away the shoots. Larvae living in the buds leave wormholes in them.

Photo: © Belnovosti

When the raspberry blossoms, the caterpillars turn into butterflies and lay eggs in the flowers. Thus, the pest population gradually increases, causing serious damage to the raspberry bush.

How to get rid of raspberry moth

Preventive measures include:

  • weed removal;
  • pruning of dead shoots;
  • clearing the area of garden waste.

To combat the pest, use a simple composition that does not contain a drop of chemicals. The product is based on wormwood: 800 g of dry raw material or half a bucket of freshly cut plant.

The grass is poured with 10 liters of water and infused for 24 hours. Then the resulting liquid is put on the fire and brought to a boil.

The product is filtered and the composition is diluted with water so that the volume doubles. After this, all that remains is to treat the raspberry patch.

Dmitry Bobrovich Author: Dmitry Bobrovich Internet resource editor

  1. Raspberry moth
  2. How to get rid of raspberry moth