Yellowed onion feathers can still be saved: how experienced gardeners deal with this problem

20.05.2023 16:05

Growing onions is a simple and interesting process that does not require special skills and knowledge, but there are some pitfalls.

The yellowing of the green part of the plants upsets summer residents who were ready to pick the feathers and crumble them into soup or fried potatoes.

If you don't take action, there may not be a green onion harvest at all. But it's too early to give up. There is a way to fix everything and get a lot of juicy and piquant greens.

Yellowing of onions

The main reasons for this phenomenon are:

  • nitrogen deficiency;
  • sodium deficiency;
  • false powdery mildew (peronosporosis).

It only takes one reason for a feather to start turning yellow.

Photo: © Belnovosti

Nitrogen deficiency

In this case, a nitrogen source will help. For example, urea (carbamide). The product is diluted in water, and then watered under the root of the onion. Spraying will not solve the problem.

Sodium deficiency

This nuance is solved even more simply. It is necessary to dissolve ½ teaspoon of salt in 10 liters of water and water the onion at the root.

Downy mildew

Peronosporosis is a more complex problem that requires a special approach. Gardeners use any suitable fungicide that is neutralized by the time of harvest.

Downy mildew will not go away on its own. The disease can cause the entire onion to rot.

Dmitry Bobrovich Author: Dmitry Bobrovich Internet resource editor

  1. Yellowing of onions
  2. Nitrogen deficiency
  3. Sodium deficiency
  4. Downy mildew