Many gardeners face the problem of plum worms.
It even happens that pests destroy the entire harvest.
Until recently, the best protection for plums from flies, worms, butterflies and aphids was considered to be potassium permanganate.
However, now no one uses this remedy anymore.
It has been replaced by stronger, more effective preparations, which are widely available in every gardening store.
For prevention, trees are sprayed with them a couple of days before flowering and then another 10 days later. That is, in the bud phase and during the period of fruit setting.
After the fruits have fully formed, pest control is carried out in more gentle, safe ways. For example, with the help of folk remedies.
Garlic, wormwood, celandine, yarrow, and tobacco have proven themselves to be excellent in this matter. Solutions or infusions are prepared from these plants and trees are treated with them.