Does mustard powder help against pests: a garden myth or a summer resident's mistake

10.05.2023 14:53

There are many quite effective folk remedies for combating garden pests.

It often happens that, having tried one or another option in practice, an inexperienced summer resident abandons such experiments, considering everything to be pampering and a waste of time.

In fact, all you had to do was read the instructions carefully, and then you wouldn’t have to buy anything except mustard powder.

It is this remedy that helps summer residents in the fight against pests and helps to improve the soil at the same time.

Mustard is all-powerful

In particular, mustard is recommended for use against slugs or snails. As is known, these creatures cannot be exterminated by any means and not all of these compositions are safe for the soil and future harvest.

Photo: © Belnovosti

It is enough to just sprinkle mustard between the rows or along the perimeter of the bed, and the gastropods will not crawl through, unless, of course, they have settled somewhere in the soil.

With the help of mustard you can get rid of cabbage aphids, as well as fire moths, sawflies and bugs, thrips, codling moths and caterpillars.

In this case, a solution of mustard powder is used.

How to proceed

All you need is 100 grams of mustard powder and 10 liters of clean water.

Mix the ingredients and put in a dark place to infuse at room temperature for 48 hours.

Once the infusion is ready, all that remains is to strain it, dilute the concentrate with water in a 1:1 ratio and add 40 grams of liquid laundry soap for every 10 liters.

Apple trees are sprayed 15-20 days after flowering, and bushes can be treated with mustard at the beginning of June.

Igor Zur Author: Igor Zur Internet resource editor

  1. Mustard is all-powerful
  2. How to proceed