How to Achieve a Good Beet Harvest: Here's What Makes It Even, Sweet, and Juicy

03.04.2023 15:23
Updated: 15.04.2023 01:40

Beets will grow juicy, sweet and perfectly even if you take into account several factors.

The root crop does not grow well in acidic soil, so many summer residents prepare a bed for beets in the fall.

Soil acidity

The norm for this vegetable is 6.2-7.5 pH. If the acidity deviates towards greater acidity, the yield decreases.

Therefore, if the soil is acidic, 500-1000 g of lime per 1 square meter is added to the soil during digging. This is usually done in the fall, but can also be done in the spring - no later than 2 weeks before planting.


Beets are sown when the air warms up to +10 …+12 °C. The seeds are sown without preliminary soaking, laid out in furrows 2-4 cm deep.

Photo: Pixabay

When the first 2-3 true leaves appear, the beets are thinned out. The distance between plants is about 10 cm.

Top dressing

After thinning, the first feeding is carried out. Take 1 teaspoon of salt and 2 glasses of ash per 10 liters. Mix the components and water the beets with the resulting solution.

The second feeding is carried out after 14 days. This time the plantings are fertilized with boric acid. 2 g of the product are used. Boric acid is dissolved in warm liquid and then poured with 10 liters of water.

Three weeks after the second feeding, the beets are watered again with a solution of ash and salt.

Dmitry Bobrovich Author: Dmitry Bobrovich Internet resource editor

  1. Soil acidity
  2. Frosts
  3. Top dressing