Mulching is an ancient procedure designed to keep the soil loose and moist for a longer period of time.
Many people are familiar with how to cover beds with organic material. However, some gardeners still make mistakes. Experienced gardeners told us what to pay attention to.
A thin layer of mulch
In this case, the work is done, but there is no benefit. A thin layer is of no use. Experts advise making a mulching layer at least 5-10 cm thick.

Selection of material
The desire to experiment does not always end well. For example, some gardeners experiment with mulch from rare plants, sapropel, and mushroom substrate. However, according to experienced gardeners, all these tricks are pointless, since ordinary grass and leaves cope with the task no worse.
Fighting mold inside mulch
White mold is not a reason to panic. It is a hay bacillus, which is used to make a number of preparations, such as Fitosporin. You should not get rid of it, it is good for the soil and plants.
Removing the mulch layer in spring
There is an ongoing debate among summer residents about the need to remove mulch laid in the fall in the spring. It is believed that there is nothing wrong with it, so the layer can be left, adding a little fresh material.
But there is also an alternative opinion. According to it, pathogens and pests may appear in such mulch, so it is still recommended to remove it.