4 Problems When Growing Radishes: The Most Common

28.03.2023 19:45
Updated: 14.04.2023 22:24

Radish is an unpretentious crop that does not require complex care. Summer residents only water it and loosen the soil.

Already after 4-5 weeks of such actions they get a harvest. It may not always please. It may be bitter, may be small, dry.

Every problem has its causes.

Small radish

This phenomenon is explained by a lack of nutrition and moisture. It is necessary to moisten the soil every day, then loosen it to a depth of 3-5 cm so that the roots receive enough oxygen.

For fertilizers, you need to add half a bucket of sand, ammonium nitrate, superphosphate and potassium sulfate in the amount of 1 tablespoon per 1 square meter.

Photo: Pixabay

The fruits are loose and hollow.

Are there many voids inside the radish? This indicates that too much nitrogen fertilizer has been applied. In this case, the crop's resources are used to form the green part, not the root crops.

If the pulp of the harvest is loose, then the planting dates have not been met. Each region has its own, but there is a general rule. It says that radish seeds should be planted when the temperature is at least 10 degrees.

The radish is dry and bitter.

Lack of moisture and lack of soil loosening are the main reasons for such root crops. If the bitterness is pronounced, then the radish has outgrown.

This could be caused by placing seeds in cold soil and recurrent frosts. The harvest could also be dry if dense cover was used in the spring to prevent the plants from bolting.

Radishes are soft or hard

The pulp could have become woody due to a lack of moisture and nutrition.

Watery root crops grow when over-watered. Excess nitrogen fertilizers can also have this effect.

Kurchev Anton Author: Kurchev Anton Deputy Editor-in-Chief

  1. Small radish
  2. The fruits are loose and hollow.
  3. The radish is dry and bitter.
  4. Radishes are soft or hard