Not all advice is useful and safe for plants, so some folk remedies should be abandoned or not used at all.
Biologist Galina Mozhaeva has revealed some of the tools in the arsenal of amateur gardeners that are best kept away from.
Thus, the advice that you can replace the classic drainage in the pot with a baby diaper is quite popular on the Internet.

Mozhaeva explained that a diaper on the bottom of a flower container is not the most rational solution, AiF reports. The biologist noted that it is much simpler and more economical to use regular drainage, which will protect the roots from rotting.
The second piece of advice that the specialist was skeptical about was watering plants with water from boiled vegetables. The biologist assured that the liquid left after cooking the products contained no vitamins or any other valuable substances.
The expert recommended using the "greenhouse" made from a plastic bottle without a neck with caution. The biologist confirmed that the advice only works in cases where the plant needs to be protected from the cold.
The plastic must be removed when the first rays of the sun appear, otherwise there is a risk that the plant will “burn”.