Problems with tomato bushes: mistakes that make seedlings grow weak

21.03.2023 14:50

Gardeners treat the first shoots with trepidation and protect the seedlings from all adversity, like little children.

This happens during every sowing season, when summer residents resort to various tricks to protect seedlings from drafts, dry air and provide everything necessary to reap a rich harvest.

But it happens that excessive care is harmful to plants, even if they are heat-loving tomatoes.

Firstly, you need to remember that only three weeks after the emergence of seedlings do the seedlings begin to grow at full strength.

A similar situation may arise after picking. At this time, there is no need to force the shoots to emerge either with intensive fertilizing or frequent watering.

Photo: © Belnovosti

Secondly, it is important to remember that all these actions (watering and adding nutrient liquids) can lead to the stretching of seedlings, the development of oedema, black leg and other diseases. Until full-fledged leaves appear, seedlings are rarely watered, and many even pour water into the tray.

Thirdly, fertilizing is done only after it becomes clear that the bushes specifically lack something for growth and development. If the stems are strong and the leaves are elastic, then there is no point in rushing with fertilizing. This is usually done 10-14 days after transplanting.

Fourthly, after transplanting, do not forget to put the seedlings in a dark room for 3-4 days.

Fifthly, to grow strong seedlings, you need to rely not on fertilizers, but on comfortable conditions. This should be nutritious soil, sufficient light, comfortable air temperature at all stages of growth, proper watering and ventilation.

In this case, the care can be called unobtrusive, and then the seedlings will grow strong and quickly take root in the beds.

This means that flowering will begin earlier and the harvest will be a joy.

Igor Zur Author: Igor Zur Internet resource editor