Garden varnish or paint: what is better to use when pruning trees

15.03.2023 20:20

In spring and autumn, summer residents prune trees to increase the harvest and protect plants from diseases.

But the process itself is also associated with a certain risk. During or after pruning, you can introduce an infection and harm the tree.

To minimize the likelihood, the cut areas are treated with garden pitch or paint. Summer residents do not have a unified opinion on what is best to cover the cuts with.

The characteristics of these materials help to understand. Paint is much more effective if a fungicide is added to it, for example, copper sulfate or copper oxychloride.

In addition, the paint is easier to apply. It holds in any weather, completely protecting the cut surface.

Photo: © Belnovosti

As for garden var, it hardens in cold weather. It is harder to apply, it needs to be "warmed up" beforehand.

The surface to which the varnish is applied must be dry. In addition, experienced gardeners have noticed that wounds heal worse under garden varnish.

If there is no paint or garden pitch, then summer residents use a folk remedy: 100 ml of linseed oil and 10 ml of iodine. Apply with a sprayer.

Dmitry Bobrovich Author: Dmitry Bobrovich Internet resource editor