How to get a cabbage harvest 2 weeks earlier: and no need to mess around with seedlings

08.03.2023 21:03

The growing method combines two advantages for the gardener: there is no need to fiddle with seedlings and the harvest can be collected earlier.

The seedlings will need about 2 weeks to take root in a new place. Summer residents spend this time more productively.

Subtleties of the method

1. A few days before sowing, the bed is dug up. Manure or peat is added. Then the bed is leveled and seeds are stocked up. The varieties "Malachite", "Iyunskaya", "Transfer" show excellent results.

2. Before sowing, the planting material is soaked for 20 minutes in a solution of potassium permanganate. After this, the seeds are washed.

3. Plant one large and two small seeds in holes 2-3 cm deep every 70 cm.

Photo: © Belnovosti

4. Cover the plantings with glass. After about 2 weeks, open the seedlings, remove weak shoots and hill up the cabbage.

5. As soon as the shoots appear, they and the soil are sprinkled with tobacco dust and ash (1:1).

6. Thin out the seedlings when the 3rd leaf appears. First leave 2 plants per hole, then one.

7. Cabbage needs to be watered regularly. The plant loves moisture, so it is important not to overdry it, and then the early harvest will be great.

Dmitry Bobrovich Author: Dmitry Bobrovich Internet resource editor