Why cherry tree leaves turned yellow after flowering: the tree needs to be saved from disease

07.03.2023 15:43
Updated: 14.04.2023 13:00

Cherry cannot be called a capricious plant that is difficult to please.

This is a common fruit tree that, with normal care, produces a stable harvest of aromatic berries.

But sometimes the development of the cherry tree may not go according to plan. If after flowering the tree leaves turn yellow, it is time to save the plant.


Often the problem is drought. If you forget to water the tree, yellow leaves will become a common occurrence.

However, summer residents who spent money on a seedling and invested time and effort in growing cherries rarely forget to water the tree. This does not need to be done every day, as with some vegetable crops.

Photo: Pixabay


Fungal burn, or moniliosis, manifests itself not only in the form of yellowing leaves. The branches become thinner and turn black, and the fruits subsequently stop developing and hang mummified on the tree.

You can defeat moniliosis with a chemical preparation. The tree crown should be treated with 2-3% Bordeaux mixture. The trunks should be whitewashed with lime with the addition of copper sulfate.

Before flowering, gardeners use a 0.4% solution of zineba or a 0.3% solution of copper oxychloride to treat the crown.

Dmitry Bobrovich Author: Dmitry Bobrovich Internet resource editor

  1. Watering
  2. Moniliosis