When purchasing and planting young trees, it is worth considering several nuances so that the plants take root and bear fruit abundantly in the future.
Many summer residents plant trees in the spring. Some plant some in the fall, and buy the other half at the beginning of the new season.
Apple trees are also planted both in autumn and spring. So, in the second case, the best period for planting begins in mid-April and ends in mid-May.

When buying seedlings, pay attention to several nuances. The plant is assessed not by the top part, but by the roots. There should be no blackness, rot or damage on them.
Sometimes it takes some time from buying a seedling to planting. In this case, it is necessary to organize proper storage.
First, examine the roots again. If necessary, trim them. Then choose a suitable container. Fill it with soil and bury the roots of the seedling in it. Before planting in a permanent place, store the seedling in a cool and dark place.