What to do if grapes start to rot while still green. Tips to help you avoid losing your harvest

19.02.2023 01:30

Very often, just before harvesting, grapes begin to rot. The causes of this are black, white and gray rot.

Treatment against the disease cannot be carried out at this time. With black rot, brown spots with black edges appear on the leaves.

The berries become sunken. The disease survives the winter well and begins to affect grapes in the spring.

Gray rot affects all fruit trees, spots appear on the leaves that have a brown color and gray coating.

Then the leaves dry out and become moldy. This can be caused by hail or wasps that damage the integrity of the berries.

Photo: © Belnovosti

With white rot, berries become covered with yellow spots, then dry up and become small. The disease spreads from cracked berries.

What to do

Spray the grapes with a soda solution every ten days. Dissolve 60 g of soda in 10 liters of water.

After harvesting, treat with Ronilan or Rovral.

To treat grapes against black rot, use the following solution: dissolve 60 g of Thiovita Jet and 25 g of Ridomil Gold in 10 liters of water.

To prevent diseases, do not plant too densely, remove diseased bunches, leaves and shoots.

Igor Zur Author: Igor Zur Internet resource editor