Every gardener wants the fruit trees on their plot to bear fruit well year after year and delight with a tasty and juicy harvest.
But how can you pick apples, pears and cherries by the bucketful?
To do this, you need to follow simple rules of agricultural technology, apply fertilizers. It is worth starting in March to restore the strength of the trees after winter.
The procedure is carried out before the snow melts. In this case, all the products will gradually penetrate into the ground.
During this period, it is advisable to use mineral fertilizers with a high nitrogen content. The product is applied in dry form under the tree crown.
But how do you know how much fertilizer to take?
Everything is simple here. The amount of feeding depends on the age of the plants.
If we are talking about young trees, then 40 grams will be enough. In case of adult trees, then it is worth taking 120 grams of fertilizer.