Experienced summer residents know and remember that everything in nature is interconnected.
With the arrival of warm weather, everything comes to life in the garden and vegetable garden: cultivated plants, grass, beneficial insects and pests.
Some gardeners don't like spiders, which weave their webs wherever their hearts desire.

Some people think that arthropods harm crops. Others are simply frightened by them or have other negative feelings.
There are different ways to fight spiders – from brooms to chemicals. But experienced gardeners know that this should not be done. Firstly, there is little sense in this matter. Secondly, spiders are useful.
Why spiders should live on the site
Everything is based on natural interconnections in nature. The food chain plays into the hands of summer residents. Thus, spiders catch flies and other insects that really bother people.
Spiders are food for birds, which also reduce the population of all kinds of insects.
It makes sense to get rid of spiders if they are poisonous. In Belarus, such arthropods are rare, but sometimes people encounter them. For example, in 2021, a spider from the genus Cheiracanthium was discovered in Dobrush, the bite of which reminds of itself with pain and itching for about 2 weeks, and for allergy sufferers, its poison can be deadly.
But such cases are exceptions. If we are talking about ordinary spiders that appear on the site from year to year, then they will bring more benefit than harm.