Will Eggshells Stop Slugs: A More Effective Folk Remedy Found

13.02.2023 16:58

Slugs and snails in a summer cottage can catch inexperienced summer residents by surprise, who immediately run to look for folk remedies to combat the uninvited "guests".

But experienced gardeners pointed out that not all tricks work well. In particular, eggshells help with varying success.

Some gardeners claim that they have repelled slugs and snails from their garden beds using eggshells.

According to them, the sharp particles cause serious damage to crawling pests, forcing them to abandon their chosen direction.

However, this method has its opponents. They claim that the trick does not work at all. Allegedly, the pests easily overcome the obstacle and get to the plantings.

Photo: © Belnovosti

What will stop slugs

Those who do not agree with the use of eggshells suggest sprinkling the bed with ash: both fertilizer and protection from pests.

The trick is that snails, crawling over the ash strip, collect the powder with mucus and then die. But the pest knows about the threat, so it really won't climb onto the bed.

Circles of ash or lime are made around the cabbage to protect the plantings from voracious slugs and snails.

Dmitry Bobrovich Author: Dmitry Bobrovich Internet resource editor