The best remedy for aphids on currants: how to recognize and defeat the pest

09.02.2023 13:22

Any gardener can panic at the sight of aphids settling on currant bushes, which is not surprising - hordes of these insects are capable of completely destroying plantings.

An expert of the online publication Belnovosti, agronomist, and landscape designer Anastasia Kovrizhnykh told us how to recognize an impending danger.

First of all, you should be alerted by the appearance of leaves with red swellings, as well as curled and dried leaves.

An alarming sign is branches with reddish-brown growths, as well as a weakened appearance of the plant as a whole.

To combat the parasite, industrial products such as Aktara, Aliot, Batrayder, Intavir or Karbofos and folk methods are also suitable.

Photo: © Belnovosti

If we talk about the latter, the method based on ammonia has proven itself to be especially effective.

For 10 liters of warm water you will need 30-40 ml of 10% ammonia.

In addition, about 40 g of grated laundry soap or 2-3 tablespoons of liquid soap should be added to the bucket with the solution.

Elena Shimanovskaya Author: Elena Shimanovskaya Internet resource editor